Docker for mac helm

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microk8s - a Kubernetes distribution, specifically for Ubuntu users.minikube - a popular, but heavy-weight option that creates a Linux virtual machine your computer using VirtualBox or similar.k3s - a light-weight Kubernetes distribution ideal for edge and development - compatible with Raspberry Pi & ARM64 (Equinix Metal, AWS Graviton, etc).KinD - upstream Kubernetes running inside a Docker container.k3d - makes k3s available on any computer where Docker is also running.

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Build your cluster ¶ Local clusters ¶īelow are the most popular ways to run a local Kubernetes cluster, but OpenFaaS should run on any. Once you have a cluster, you can follow the detailed instructions on this page. You can read about the various Kubernetes distributions here. There are many options for deploying a local or remote cluster. Option 2 - Link an image pull secret to the namespace's ServiceAccountīefore deploying OpenFaaS, you should provision a Kubernetes cluster. Option 1 - use an ad-hoc image pull secret

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Getting help, expert installations and proof-of-concepts Install the OpenFaaS chart using arkade or helmġ) Deploy the Chart with arkade (fastest option)